Art directed a new brand, including visual identity and voice.
Created a from-scratch, custom web design centered around technological expertise doused with a bucket of personal approachability.
Set a standard visual style centered around white-on-white 3D models of devices and repairs that looked extremely complex, while in actuality being extremely repeatable and easy to animate and manipulate.
Created an animation style for recurring social media content that breathed life into the client's messaging.
We've done a little bit of everything at MAKE Digital for iResQ, which is a device repair shop based in Kansas City. Their owner is a veteran, and he's awesome. He also runs a really savvy shop on the bleeding edge of technology—and knows how to fix that technology when it breaks.
Unfortunately, his branding, marketing, and website were on the opposite end of the bleeding edge, whatever that's called. So my team and I rolled up our sleeves and got to work refreshing and rebuilding just about everything. The website is set to launch in March of 2021, so if it's after that as you read this, check it out. (If it's not, please don't.)
The web design was done by yours truly, and my goal at the outset was to showcase the "what" of iResQ's services without losing the "who" behind those services. Since we wanted to showcase the repairs and devices in order to drive sales, I had to come up with unique components and an offbeat aesthetic to humanize the whole package.
That job was made easier by the amazing new brand my graphic design team crafted, under my direction and guidance. We went well beyond a logo—though we did that too—to create an entire brand voice for the client, to canonize iResQ's mission and motives alongside their new visual identity.
Hey, you get a new brand, you want to show it off. Right? What better way to get employees and long-time customers alike pumped about this new brand than putting it in motion and setting it to some bumpin' track. Okay, I'm messing around with my lingo here, but you get the idea.
The client got so jazzed by our brand hype video, we made them another one to show off the logo itself across their social media channels.
I did a series of animations—all in this style—visualizing iResQ's set of "core values" we helped them define during our brand voice workshop.
You get the picture: once this brand and its associated marketing visuals and website are out in the world for a hot minute, people are going to recognize an iResQ message when they see one.
Or so I hope.
The 3D models are carried through in my web design to establish a true design system for identifying device and repair types throughout the website. Users already have a busted iPhone; they don't need to stress out over navigating a confusing/ugly website too.